There is no doubt about it – we are living in a world most of us have never experienced before. The COVID-19, or Coronavirus, is massively disrupting every aspect of our family life, daily routines, our businesses and our healthcare system.

Fortunately, all signs are pointing to an outcome in which “this too shall pass”.

And while times may be tough for many businesses, this is not the time to set aside your marketing initiatives. Now more than ever businesses need to remain visible and set the stage to make up for lost time and revenues when this is over.

However, with employees distracted, less productive due to changing work environments and business needs, as well as family demands, you may need help.  Hiring a freelance consultant can be a great solution to keep your marketing initiatives rolling. Here are 10 reasons why.

Number 10…Freelancers are already self-sufficient in working from home and have services and tools at their disposal.

Number 9…Freelancers offer flexible contract options – per project or per hour to fit your needs.

Number 8…Freelancers can fill in gaps in skillsets you don’t have in-house which may be needed as business needs are quickly changing.

Number 7…Freelancers are self-starters, adept at working without oversight.

Number 6…Did your requisitions for open positions get put on ice due to uncertainty? Freelancers can fill that gap until business gets back to normal.

Number 5…Freelancers can help offset your workload in place of employees that may be called to fill in for other parts of the business, need to care for family members or who become ill.

Number 4…Need to quickly launch a new product or service in response to suddenly changed business conditions? Freelancers offer a range of skills to augment your already busy team.

Number 3…Freelancers bring experience and ideas from other businesses like yours and other industries which can be important when you have to adhere to a new status quo.

Number 2…Freelancers are experienced delivering on tight deadlines and squeezing the most productivity out of every hour.

And the Number 1 reason to use Freelancers during this pandemic……they use their own toilet paper!

Need help ensuring you stay visible and your marketing projects are on track? Visit Town Crier Marketing Group or give us a call at 214-732-7770.